March 5
Ash Wednesday
Imposition of Ashes at Noon & 6:30 PM
Stick around after Mid-Week Lenten worship for “Revelation Decoded”, a Bible study led by Pastor Chris during Lent on Wednesdays at 7 PM.
March 12 April 2
March 19 April 9
March 26
Confirmation classes are in session! Contact the Church Office if you (or your student) are beginning 7th or 8th grade!
Been visiting with us for some time and ready to “make it official”? Come to the New Member orientation class on March 9 at 9:30 AM. New members will be received in worship on March 16. RSVP to the Church Office today!
Do you enjoy working high tech equipment, appreciate our music ministry and want to help us sound our best? We are seeking to expand our volunteer corps and train two additional volunteers to assist with our brand-new audio/visual system. If you are interested in supporting this ministry on Sunday morning worship, for concerts, and other events, please contact Pastor Chris directly. Thank You!
The prayer list will reset on February 23. If someone needs to remain on the list, contact the Church Office.
Table Grace’s annual fundraising gala is Friday, March 7, 6-9 PM, at the Livestock Exchange Ballroom and
features Frontier Strings from OCM, a cocktail hour, silent auction, hors d’oeuvres, program and live auction. The gala helps raise money for those who are hungry and helps provide meals with dignity and an opportunity to start a new life with training and job experience. Entertainment with the Frontier Strings, Table Grace the musical cast, Simone Weber and clips of their successes. To sponsor a table or purchase tickets, go to
Join the new graduates and job trainees from Table Grace Café on Monday, March 17, 6-8 PM, for dinner and live music at First Christian Church (66th & Dodge). Participants in Table Grace Cafe's 10 day job experience program will be working to put this event together. It's an opportunity to showcase their new skills and celebrate together! Come help them support the job trainees and graduates on their way to success! Tickets at
Beginning February 10, the Preschool will host a Shoe Drive Fundraiser! This fundraiser will help them secure funds to improve classroom resources and provide enriching experiences for the children in their care. Your support will help to continue to provide a nurturing and engaging environment where every child can learn, grow, and thrive. To help just donate gently worn, used and new shoes. Collected shoes are given a second life by those in need through #microenterprise. Small businesses in third world countries sell the shoes as a support for their families. The preschool gets a price per pound for the shoes. The more they collect the more they make. It’s a win-win! Shoe collection is February 10-April 10. Bring donations to the
preschool office. The more shoes they collect the more they raise! Thank you for your support!
Hey kids in 3rd or 4th grade! We will be having a class for those of you who haven’t yet had First Communion. Keep your eyes open for a postcard coming soon! RSVP to the Church Office!
Click below to have First Time Application or Renewal Application e-mailed to you.
Our Green Envelope for February goes to Habitat for Humanity of Omaha. To address the need for quality housing in our community, Habitat for Humanity of Omaha builds and renovates homes, repairs existing houses, takes down blighted structures and advocates for better laws and systems. They work with families to help them acquire the access, skills and financial education necessary to become successful homeowners. Since 1984, Habitat Omaha has partnered with more than 2,149 families and individuals in our community to
provide affordable homeownership and home improvement opportunities. Thousands of donors and volunteers have worked together with future homeowners to make these opportunities a reality, building stronger neighborhoods and effecting measurable change in the community. Habitat Omaha has revitalized properties with very little taxable value, resulting in approximately $839,300 in property taxes paid by Habitat Omaha
homeowners in 2020.
The Church Office is open Monday-Fridays, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The Church Office is closed on Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30 for staff meeting.
All are welcome to join Pastor Chris & Pastor Glenn for our
mid-week Bible Study in the conference room. Each week we dig into the lectionary texts and share insights!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides
hand-crafted blankets given to those that need comfort. Prayers for peace and healing are prayed over each one as they are made. The shawls are available in the Welcome Center. Feel free to take one.
For details regarding all services, meetings, events, etc. check out the full calendar.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Angel Tree project! Here’s a picture of all the gifts collected for Lutheran Family Services & Westside Boys & Girls Club!
A big thank you to all who helped make this evening special!
Congratulations to Alex, Abigail & Luke on receiving their Bibles!
Congratulations and blessings to our Confirmands Addi, Anna, Quinn & Charlie upon affirming their faith in the promise of Baptism on Sunday, September 17.
Our annual Easter Egg hunt is always fun for Morning Star children as well as kids from the neighborhood!
Artist and Pastor Paul Oman painted a larger-than-life sized mural right before our eyes as a story unfolded artistically, musically, narratively and Scripturally during the event. For
a copy of the painting he created, go to
Trunk or Treat moved indoors