Confirmation classes are in session! Contact the Church Office if you (or your student) are beginning 7th or 8th grade!
Click below to have First Time Application or Renewal Application e-mailed to you.
The Youth Group at Morning Star is asking for your support with this month's green
envelope offering. The youth are active members of the congregation through acolyting; volunteering at VBS, the Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, and attending youth group meetings and service projects. Your dollars go towards the big events like our summer youth trip as well as the everyday supplies like drinks in the minifridge and coffee for our monthly hangout at Scooters. This summer the High School youth with be traveling to Washington DC for a service and justice trip. We will experience how faith is active in the world through direct service, justice work, advocacy, and education. Your support and prayers are welcome in preparation for this adventure as well as for the youth in their day to day lives of growing, learning, and exploring.
The Church Office is open Monday-Fridays, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The Church Office is closed on Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30 for staff meeting.
All are welcome to join Pastor Chris & Pastor Glenn for our
mid-week Bible Study in the conference room. Each week we dig into the lectionary texts and share insights!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides
hand-crafted blankets given to those that need comfort. Prayers for peace and healing are prayed over each one as they are made. The shawls are available in the Welcome Center. Feel free to take one.
For details regarding all services, meetings, events, etc. check out the full calendar.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Angel Tree project! Here’s a picture of all the gifts collected for Lutheran Family Services & Westside Boys & Girls Club!
A big thank you to all who helped make this evening special!
Congratulations to Alex, Abigail & Luke on receiving their Bibles!
Congratulations and blessings to our Confirmands Addi, Anna, Quinn & Charlie upon affirming their faith in the promise of Baptism on Sunday, September 17.
Our annual Easter Egg hunt is always fun for Morning Star children as well as kids from the neighborhood!
Artist and Pastor Paul Oman painted a larger-than-life sized mural right before our eyes as a story unfolded artistically, musically, narratively and Scripturally during the event. For
a copy of the painting he created, go to
Trunk or Treat moved indoors