Our beautiful Christmas Eve Candlelight Services will be held at 4:00 and 6:00 PM!
Join us Sunday, December 29 for Lessons & Carols at 10 AM complete with song requests.
Each year we show our appreciation to the dedicated Morning Star ministry team with a Christmas bonus. If you would like to contribute to this end-of-year gift for our staff please place your donation in the offering, the mail, or online by December 22. Thank you for your continued generosity!
Pastor Christopher Hawkins ~ Lead Pastor
Pastor Glenn Schacht ~ Assistant Pastor
Susie Syx ~ Director of Administrative Ministry
Sarah Dumke ~ Director of Preschool & Childcare Center
Simone Weber ~ Music Minister
Rick Jacobi ~ Organist
James Creason ~ Facility Manager
Art Lorenz ~ Sound Engineer
Kyle Wolfe ~ Video Technician
Pastor Sara Jensen ~ Pulpit Supply
Jean Johnson ~ Saturday Pianist
To help stock our new kitchenette & staff break room, Morning Star has registered for a “bridal shower” at Target & Amazon. To purchase one or more of the needed items, go to the store or online or click on the store name below and search for Morning Star under “bride” or Luther Church under “groom”. Purchase the item and bring after December 1 or have shipped to our interior designer, Cindy Smith & Associates (11635 Arbor St., Ste. 200; Omaha, NE 68144) by December 1. Contact Pam or Ric Miller with questions at 402-681-7947.
Confirmation classes are in session! Contact the Church Office if you (or your student) are beginning 7th or 8th grade!
The Church Office is open Monday-Fridays, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The Church Office is closed on Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30 for staff meeting.
All are welcome to join Pastor Chris & Pastor Glenn for our
mid-week Bible Study in the conference room. Each week we dig into the lectionary texts and share insights!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides
hand-crafted blankets given to those that need comfort. Prayers for peace and healing are prayed over each one as they are made. The shawls are available in the Welcome Center. Feel free to take one.
For details regarding all services, meetings, events, etc. check out the full calendar.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Angel Tree project! Here’s a picture of all the gifts collected for Lutheran Family Services & Westside Boys & Girls Club!
A big thank you to all who helped make this evening special!
Congratulations to Alex, Abigail & Luke on receiving their Bibles!
Congratulations and blessings to our Confirmands Addi, Anna, Quinn & Charlie upon affirming their faith in the promise of Baptism on Sunday, September 17.
Our annual Easter Egg hunt is always fun for Morning Star children as well as kids from the neighborhood!
Artist and Pastor Paul Oman painted a larger-than-life sized mural right before our eyes as a story unfolded artistically, musically, narratively and Scripturally during the event. For
a copy of the painting he created, go to www.drawn-to-the-word.com.
Trunk or Treat moved indoors