Whether you want to create a poster for a special event or prepare the trays for communion, there are needs that match your talents and time. Our paid staff is very small, so much of what we do is dependent on the time and talents of members.
" And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good."
2 Thessalonians 3:13
Our Church Council meets the second Monday of each month to lead Morning Star!
Most of the activites and church maintenance is coordinated and managed by the various church committees and they are always looking for new ideas and energy.
Every worship service requires a lot of helping hands. Contact the Church Office for specific opportunities.
Special events always need extra help. Watch the announcements and the volunteer page for opportunities.
Elected Church Council Members have oversight for all the operational needs of the church. Members of the council are elected by the congregation for 3-year terms.
Elected Ministry Investment Committee members manage our Endowment Fund and Youth Scholarship Program. This committee also assists in the distribution of memorials and other special gifts.
Leadership of the Church Council help to guide the council. This committee is made up of the council officers, elected by the council, and the lead pastor.
Board members oversee operations of the Preschool & Child Care Center in coordination with the Center staff and director and provide assistance and guidance as needed.
This committee is responsible to reach-out to the local community and ensure we are inviting to potential new members and visitors.
This committee coordinates Sunday School, Bible studies, and other Faith Formation activities. They are also responsible for the youth and vacation Bible school programs.
This committee oversees the financial affairs of the congregation. This includes budget planning, operating expenses, and capital management except those funds specified elsewhere (scholarship, memorials and endowment.)
This committe guides and enlists the congregation members in bringing Christian compassion, support and aid to those in need.
This committee assists in recruiting and nominating new members for the committees and council.
This committee is appointed by the Church Council to serve as a communication channel between staff members and the council and to ensure adequate and competent personnel are hired to support all members of the congregation.
This committee ensures the church building and grounds are well maintained. They also advise the church council of any concerns and the possible remedies.
This ministry coordinates events and other internal church activities intended to encourage active participation of new and existing congregational members.
The primary role of this committee is to coordinate the annual pledge drive and to promote giving of time, talents, and treasure.