The first of the four weeks of advent is the beginning of the church calendar.
White calls to mind the purity of the newborn Christ, and to our light and joy in him. White is also used for Epiphany Sunday and other special days.
Green is used for its symbolism of our growth in Christ. "The Word of the Lord endureth forever." This message from I Peter 1:25 is the theme of our green paraments.
Purple or violet indicate a time of penitence and suggesting repentance and solemnity.
Several colors of paraments appear during holy week. Black paraments were traditionally used for Good Friday, but the more common practice today is to strip the altar and have no paraments.
Gold reflects the glory of the resurrection. These are
Bright red reflects the flames of Pentecost. Red paraments are also used on martyr's days.
As the seasons of the church change the altar, pulpit, lectern (and the pastor) are dressed in the color of the season. Morning Star has a beautiful set of paraments which were designed by a member of our congregation, Richard Thompson. The symbols on each piece reflect the season. There are pictures below of all the pieces. You can also follow the links on this page to discover the meaning of the colors and symbols.